Delivery Models

Executive Search

Looking to secure the best senior or hard to find digital leadership talent in the market? Then you’ve come to the right place.

Our experience, network and the manner in which we conduct each search means we’re trusted by companies globally to help build out their leadership teams.

We’re flexible and creative in our approach. We work hard, we work smart and find you the talent to achieve the innovation, growth and competitive advantage within your business.

Looking for someone to deliver your digital transformation? Lead and build a team at scale? Launch in a new location?

We know just the person.

"It's rare to find a recruiter so adept at sourcing world class candidates across a wide set of leadership roles including Managing Director, CMO, VP's of Product, Data Science and Brand.

"We worked in a highly collaborative fashion to define a set of messages per role that were employed end to end to project the 'why' to convince candidates in a white hot market."
Global President, Online Brands
Hilding Anders

Integrated Partner

Hiring talent that’s going to add value to your company and culture has never been more important. 

Unlike first come first served contigency recruitment, and your integrated recruitment partner, we become an extension of your talent team, meaning you get total access to our wealth of experience, recruitment insight, and incredible candidate network.

Embedding ourselves in your team allows us to fully understand you are, what makes you great and importantly, who’d be the perfect fit to make you even greater.

So, if scaling your team’s a priority or your getting nowhere on a particularly tricky search, trusting us to fully integrate with your talent team is the most effective way to alleviate your hiring headaches.

Contingency Recruitment

Sometimes contingency recruitment just works.

But in order for it to work to your advantage, you need to partner with recruiters with a candidate network that’s ready to go. You need to partner with a recruiter that’s going to truly understand your talent requirements and deliver candidates that hit the mark.

Enter Zazu Digital.

We’re able to consistently quickly deliver candidates that are well informed on the opportunity you’re offering, and most importantly, candidates that are right for your business.

If you’re looking to get people on board quickly and effectively, our contingency solution ensures your time and resource our contingency solution ensures we deliver genuine value with every hire.

John Doe
"I worked directly with Zazu when we were building out the zeotap UK team. In comparison to other recruiters I've worked with, Zazu took the time to fully understand what we did, and what we were looking for in our new hires. The quality of candidates they sent for each role we worked on across sales and account management were second to none."
Commercial Director

Let our passion for making great matches work fo you